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INSTALLED MASTERS RITUAL Most Right Worshipful Masters can confidently find their way around the Degree Ceremonies, what tends to cause them problems is the non-degree portions of the business, i.e: Committee of Enquiries, Affiliation Obligations etc; the procedure for such business tends to be passed on to the RWM by Past Masters and relies on the RWM tracking down a Past Master who is, (a) Awake. (b) Sober.
a combination that can be hard to find!
Past Masters face difficulties of their own, at a time of their lives when they tend to be losing both their hair and their memories they are expected to carry out Installation Ceremonies. Believe me we need all of the help we can get!
The Lodge St Lawrence Installed Masters Ritual was produced to ease the burden of both RWM’s and Past Masters alike. It contains the full Installation & Reinstallation Ceremonies, with appropriate “Stage Directions”, it also includes the Affiliation and Honorary Member Obligations, Procedures for conducting a Committee of Enquiry, Nomination and Election of Office Bearers & Harmony's, Masonic Funerals, PGL opening & Closing Ceremony and invaluable advice to assist a new Master during his period in the chair
The Lodge St Lawrence Installed Masters Ritual although commercially printed is not available for purchase and is only available directly from Lodge St Lawrence 144 Installed Masters as a personal gift.